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what a friend i found.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
12:26 PM
A friendship is useless if one of us doesn't even care.

Motherly figure?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
12:33 PM
I didn't know i was being so stressed out by school etc until i saw the pimples that started popping out from my face. i never had so many pimples in my life before.

and it's not a nice sight.

spent the whole day with Lakshmi in Vivo yesterday, bought a couple of things. it's nice to finally be free and just do almost nothing the whole day and just chill and relax (chillax) at Gloria Jeans. it's been a while.

& the streets were more crowded because it was public holiday, so i saw many families around. and that's where i witnessed a few abusive parents. ( i told Ramesh i'm gonna blog about this). Maybe they were disciplining their children. but in public?

1st scenario
A mother grabbing her sons ears wih both her hands. shaking it very violently, and shouting in his face. his glasses were out of place, eyes filled with tears, face dripping with tears, and was flung back and forth by his mother, resulting in extremely red ears. maybe he was naughty, but was that needed? many passer-bys stopped to look. but that did not stop the abusive mother.

2nd scenario
this one was not abusive physically but was abusive verbally. i was in the train on the way home. mother and son. the mother whispered something to her son and he started being very cautious about his surroundings. they were standing and there were no vacant seats. on man stood up to alight. immediately the son ran towards the vacant seat but lost to another man who got to the seat first. guess what the mother said to her son? "...because you stupid! you very slow! stupid!".

let's not be abusive parents when we grow up. we not only make a fool of ourselves in public, we embarrass our children.

cos you had a bad day.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
11:55 AM
it's 11.55am. and so far, it's been quite a bad day for me. have this ever happened to you?

you spend at least 2 hours racking your brains and finally, you finish your homework. a sigh of relief, a drink of water, and you watch tv to relax your mind. the day is over, your homework is done. and the next the day is time to hand in your homework. you search for your homework in your computer and cannot find it anywhere. you start to question yourself "shit, did i even save it??" you stay up all night searching for it. slept late but to no avail, still unable to find it. the next day you wake up early. after only 5 hours of sleep, you are still very tired and sleepy.continue the search. so you clicked history, whilst browsing through the history, nyou accidentally clicked "clear history".

yup, that's what happened.

to round it all up, i guess i just have to accept the fact that my friend is selfish and i shan't try to change him/her. i should accept that person for who he/she is. and they are only human.

but so am i.


relaxation, peace & tranquility, where are you?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
12:18 AM

i still cannot find my window frame, and koi fish backdrop!

everyday is such a tiring day for me. i reach home, everyday, all exhausted and just longing to be embraced by my comforter and just sleep with no worries. with air con of course!
i hate being outdoors recently. because of the weather. i can definitely rant this whole post about the hot and humid weather these few days. but i shan't do that because i think you should, already, by now, get my point.

okay so looking forward to weekends of sleep. &&&! the whole production to be over! overnight hiking on Good Friday! yayyy!! weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

God please let it snow in Singapore,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
11:23 PM
I am back to being stressed.

-Is there anyone who knows a place that sells a Cloth Koi Painting 1m wide and 2m long?
-Is there anyone who knows where i can find a 2m by 2m window frame?
-Anyone heard of building recyclers?

ARGH. stressed= dessert spelt backwards.
found that in a weight loss book. haha.

ok i'm switching back to stress mode.



i'm told to leeead, not to reeead.
Monday, March 30, 2009
10:52 PM
God tells me that He loves me, every single day
God tells me that He loves me, at home at school at play.
God tells me and this I know, everything God says it's so
God tells me that He loves me, every single day.


it's a children's song but it is so true. the children songs are the ones that are most straightforward. it's gooooood.
but some nursery rhymes, well.. for instance "rock a bye baby"
google it. SPOOKY.
and there are many others. can't remember all now.

i am getting better at the production. getting things done and doing it more confidently. actually, i should thank God for giving me this opportunity. if not for my friend, i wouldn't have seen it in this perspective. my lecturer only chose a handful of people in my class to be stage and production managers. apparently i'm one of them. and those who were handpicked are those who are responsible and punctual and reliable and everything nice. i felt so good hearing that.
for the first time in my life, i feel monitress-y. haha!

FYI: i was never a monitress before. highest post i ever got was.. health education books leader.


ok peace out A town.

God loves me & u,

killing me softly.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
10:59 PM
mum: i think e-van need to exercise already.
me: OUCH.
mum: need to swing your arms.
me: ouch painful.
mum: your arm needs some toning.
me: excruciating pain.

my body is so easily tired. now it's all aching- my shoulders and my legs. i am not proud about this but i am a terrible long distance runner.
one excuse i found for myself is: my legs are shorter so i run double the steps.... it's true! i take two steps when others take one. so unfair leh.

i'm still stressed in school still. can't wait for the production to be over. i hate being in charge of something i do not even know what i'm doing and what he others are talking about.
he says, "feel free to ask any questions when in doubt".
when asked, there is a obvious and apparent frown and a big SIGH of not relief, but irritance, "YES?".

i'm sure i'm not being oversensitive.
